Tuesday 1 November 2011

Let the Signing Tour Begin!

Signing season is upon us once again. This is the part of writing a novel that I always look forward to. It is a chance to get away from the keyboard and meet people who actually enjoy reading my stories. It is a break from the loneliness of writing and a chance to socialise with people.

We are beginning the book signing tour in the Wigan branch of Waterstones on the 5th of November, after which I shall be attending a birthday party for my Mother. It isn't actually her birthday on the fifth but it's the only time the whole family can get together this month so it's a good time for a knees-up. It will be a busy day!

The Wigan signing will be closely followed by a signing in Bolton Waterstones on the 19th and the Arndale Centre branch of Waterstones in Manchester on the 20th. I hope some of you can make it to one of these signings. It would be great to see you all there.

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