Tuesday 22 December 2009

Snowed in.

Over the last week we've had more snow than I remember since some time in the early 1980s. What is more, unlike previous flutters of snow over the last two decades. the snow has hung around and not immediately melted. Even as I type the snow is coming down at a fair old lick. Actually, we can now be said to be officially snowed in here at Jenny Towers. Snowed in is the best kind - you never want to be snowed out.

I went out this morning to start my car and discovered that the locks were frozen. All of them. Not to worry, as the car was buried in snow up to the alloys, and the lane wasn't faring any better that we would have to pull out onto. No-one has been down there since Sunday, and that person was me, almost getting my car stuck in the snow getting it into the back yard.

We're stocked up, so we're not too worried. As long as they don't turn the internet off we'll be...... ******RUNTIME ERROR. CONNECTION RESET BY PEER******

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