Friday, 12 November 2010

A little housekeeping and buying abroad.

Sales of 'Bringing home the stars' have been picking up a lot in the last two weeks. I'm hoping that this means that the book signings that I've been doing are having an effect. Even if people don't buy a copy there and then, maybe they are coming back to buy at a later date. As my sister always says of the media: "It's about being seen in the right places with the right people." There's a lot to be said for that.

On the publisher's website there's been a little calamity. Nothing major, but the 'buy it now' buttons disappeared after part of the site was overwritten accidentally with a previous pre-publication version of the pages. I don't think they were away very long, but they are back now. So anyone who has been trying to buy a copy through the publisher over the last couple of days who found they couldn't can now. I would also like to add that there are postage options for buyers in the US too. Whilst the book isn't on general release over there, individuals can buy it this way. It costs £7.50 postage inclusive, or whatever the dollar amount of that is.

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