Monday, 1 February 2010

Music whilst you work.

Now here is a first - I'm listening to classical music whilst writing bone-chilling sci-fi/horror. It seems a weird juxtaposition of Elgar's Pomp and circumstance, but it seems to be working: 1,000 words done in the last two hors, and that's with frequent breaks to smurf through Wikipedia doing research.

Usually I will put on records when I write. I find they serve two useful purposes: Firstly they cover up any annoying background noises. There is nothing worse than being distracted by the sound of the neighbours or cars revving it up at the traffic lights at the end of the road. Secondly, when chosen carefully, the music can suggest the mood of the piece that you are writing and make it easier to write what you want effectively.

Clearly at the moment the LP copy of The Classic Experience that is spinning is only serving the first role. But hey! It is sort of working. I now just need a montage of hard rock to blow away any semblence of my mind whilst I write a particularly gruesome scene...

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