Saturday, 14 November 2009

I'd like to thank my family, a bloke called Bob down the pub and......

Today is the first day back on the radio after a two week holiday. Unusually for me, I spent some time on Thursday evening picking records out and having a think about what I would be likely to play. That's unusual for me, as my usual approach is to pick records from the rack at random on the morning of the show.

The annual awards are coming up soon; more importantly, the deadline for submissions is coming up at the very beginning of December. We're planning three submissions in three categories. We have a whole year of programmes to produce five minutes for each of the three, so it should not be too hard to find enough material. After having gone to the ceremony last time, I know how to focus the submission and what areas the judges are looking for, so fingers crossed that this year I'm in with a lot better chance of being able to call myself "award winning".

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