Monday, 19 October 2009

A bestseller in waiting

'Bringing home the stars' has finally got a revised version up on Lulu. That's the version with the six months' worth of editing in it. It is, by far, the best thing I have ever written - in my opinion. Now, if only agents would take the time to look at it I'm sure that they would agree too and be snapping over themselves to option it. Everyone who has read it has loved it. The feedback I have received has been astounding. Hell, even my parents like it and that's saying a lot from the people who nit-picked their way through my previous six books (I got the impression they only read those because they felt obligated - this one they read because it drew them in and they wanted to keep reading to know more).

It has everything that a good accessible horror story should have. Whilst set in a sci-fi environment, that doesn't actually dominate the story, so people reading it have commented that whilst they wouldn't have normally read sci-fi, this attracted them and held their interest all the way through.

So, if any agents read as far as my blog, take a look at the book and read the first few chapters and you will not be disappointed. It is a new generation of sci-fi/horror that will be certain to be a bestseller with an almost certain movie deal off the back of it, just so long as some-one gives it its chance and offers to represent it.

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