Tuesday, 22 September 2009

A printer is only as good as the supply of paper in it.

The more important of the two parcels arrived today. I don't know where my Lily Allen LP is, but at least the toner for my laser printer arrived at long last (around a week overdue). It slotted into my printer after a couple of false starts and my worrying that it might be the wrong one because it had the wrong model number printed on it. But it was right, and I got printing pretty quickly clearing my backlog of stuff to process and send off to agents.

Or at least I would have had I remembered to check the amount of paper we had left. D'oh! Fifteen sheets wasn't nearly enough, so I then had to walk out to the supermarket to get more paper. Still, I suspect I needed the exercise, and it didn't take more than an hour (and I have chocolate in the fridge now to boot).

I got the first two submissions printed off and addressed, then it was time for a long walk the other way to the Post Office to get them into the post. As everything is going to be the same size and weight, I took the chance to get enough stamps for ten submissions. That should remove the need to have to walk down to the Post Office again until next week. "Hooray!" my weary feet are saying.

It's amazing what having the right tools does for getting a job done. I've even gone and got a loud of promotion work done too and I've still got most of the afternoon free. I probably ought to get back to doing a full edit of 'Orb of Arawaan' but I must confess that between David Bowie singing about the babe in my ear (that Labrynthitis thing I mentioned before) and thefatigue it has brought with it, I've been somewhat lacking in motivation for that work for a while. Still, I'm sure I'll perk up again soon - maybe that chocolate in the fridge will help?

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